With five subspecialty radiologists dedicated to pulmonary and cardiac imaging, the cardiothoracic radiology section maintains a busy diagnostic imaging practice and conducts CT-guided lung cancer ablation. In addition to routine thoracic imaging, our service performs high volume cardiac MR (CMR), cardiac CT (CCT), high-resolution chest CT, and lung cancer screening CT, as well as an assortment of less common studies such as dynamic airway CT imaging and mediastinal mass MRI. Importantly, we have superb relationships with local and regional pulmonologists, cardiologists, cardiothoracic surgeons, oncologists, and pathologists. We co-host clinical conferences and we frequently collaborate in research.
Our core faculty are dedicated to education and are motivated to help trainees learn the fundamentals of cardiothoracic imaging, and we encourage and support further exploration of a career in the field. We are actively involved in academic pursuits including original manuscripts, book chapters, case series, and educational exhibits and scientific presentations at top-notch national and international imaging conferences. We work closely with the talented team in our Advanced Imaging Lab, and rely on them for the analysis and post-processing of complex datasets (such as TAVR, CMR, and CCT) and for 3D- and 4D- dataset reconstructions for imaging-related procedural and surgical planning.
Multidisciplinary conferences are an important part of the educational and clinical mission of our section:
- Monday 7:00 am Pulmonary Tumor Board
- Tuesday 2:00 pm Multidisciplinary Lung Cancer Clinic
- Thursday 7:00 am Thoracic Aorta Conference
- Thursday: 1:30 pm Pulmonary Fellow’s Conference
- Friday 12:30 pm Interstitial Disease Conference
- Medicine M&M (occasional participation)